Janet brings legal clarity to business owners. Her law firm Alexandersson Law champions community and collaboration with a focus on licensing. Her offshoot business, Termhive, provides SOPs and guides for legal decision-making for business owners and their teams.
Janet is close to celebrating 20 years as a lawyer and loves to chat about contracts, negotiations, and partnerships. She knows she is weird and likes it that way, thank you. She loves anything and everything you can find at an art supply store. Much of her spare time is filled with wild and wonderful adventures inside fantasy and sci-fi books.
She has launched her dream project this year, Opus Mastery, featuring modern-day opus makers and guiding a small group of curious souls through the making of their very first opus. Warning: if you ask her about this project you will be opening Pandora’s box and encounter a wealth of enthusiasm and passion.
Some Janet tidbits:
• She founded the boutique law firm Alexandersson Law back in 2007. She spends her time advising business owners and freelancers on all things contracts, community and collaborations – worldwide.
• She has been a legal marketing strategist, human rights lawyer, civil and family law litigator, nonprofit executive, grant writer, speaker, and workshop facilitator.
• Philosophy makes her happy and she once spent a year creating frameworks to better understand the world. You can find them at metaobserver.com if you are curious.
• She is an enthusiastic futurist and the creator behind the essay collection How to Save Humanity.